15 February 2008

"My Friend" - A Poem

Dear Readers,
have you read the poem I posted, written by Maureen Tay?

She shared with me another poem, " My Friend" written by an unknown writer.
And, "My Confession" was written in reply to "My Friend". It is below :

My Friend - writer unknown

My friend, I stand in judgement now
And feel that you are to blame somehow
On earth, I walked with you day by day
And never did you point the Way

You know the Lord in Truth and Glory
But never did you tell the Story
My knowledge then was very dim
You could have led me safe to Him

Though we lived together on the earth
You never told me of the second birth
And now I stand t his day condemned
Because you failed to mention Him

You taught me many things that's true
I called you friend and trusted you
But I learn now that it's too late
You could have saved me from this fate

We walked by day and talked by night
And yet you showed me not the Light
You let me live and love and die.,
You know that I'd never live on high

Yes, I called you friend in life
And trusted you through joy and strife
And yet on coming to this end
I cannot now call you "my friend"

Win Nie

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