06 February 2007

Jurong JC Love Fiesta 2007

I went to JJC Love Fiesta on Saturday 3rd Feb 2007 with a few friends. It was early in the morning at around 10am. When we reach the campus's entrance, we were greeted by students with the "Usher" lanyards with their warm shouts of " Welcome to JJC !". Then as we stroll in, some students standing alongside the pathway handed us some leaflets and promotional flyers.

It was as if i had just entered into a mini "Pasar Malam". There were many stalls selling different kinds of food. Video . I have bought the Coupons from Ganesh and while I was there, I got to survey which things are worth my buy.

Going to JJC brought back memories of about 8 years back then when I was a JC student in Yishun. When I was in JC, I wasn't as active as these students but now I have a good time just being there trying to learn some of the students' creativity.

Besides having food stalls, some students also turned "entrepreneurs", selling things like DIY Valentine's flowers made of Farrero Rochers, Origami flowers ( I bought one ), origami boxes, old and new books, Valentines' message corner , Artist corner(portraits, caricatures) and also many more !

The two stalls that I appreciated the most was a guy student who specialised in making Origami boxes, flowers and the stall that had got artist students doing the portraits. But I must say that the portraits are too highly priced though. Nevertheless, I always support such uses of creativity.


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