06 April 2007

"Count Your days aright " (C.Y.D.A series)

Dear readers ,

The purpose of this blog "Live" (pronounced as either "lee-eve" or "La-i-e-v" ) is a record of my life - to record eventful happenings and also to share photos and thoughts. It is a place where I find it useful to share useful information with all readers too. It is one of my way to make history and to pass down great ideas and inspirations. I hope this blog will still be activating till my children, my grandchildren , my great-grandchildren and till many generations to come...And by the time the next new generation read this blog, they are able to be inspired to live their life worthy the same way they are created when they are born into this world in the very beginning.

In "Live" , I am going to start and post up a new series called "Count Your Days Aright" .

"Count Your Days Aright" (C.Y.D.A) is a series of men and women who made history and whose stories still inspire many. These great people may not be around anymore but they left such great legacies behind, distinguished by certain qualities in their life . The purpose of this series is to draw out the great characters that these people have and to inspire readers that great things are done by men and women not with great pride but with great substance . Everyone has great potential to do their best and it is with this series that will help us see that we can do something meaningful towards eternity.

There will be a story featured once a week, every beginning of the week.

check it out and forward this blog to your friends.

Your contributions are welcome !
Email at look2J@gmail.com or post up your comments in this blog.

Win Nie

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